Foundations of Web Design


  1. Using DHTML to create animation and other effects

  2. Flash

  3. Shockwave

  4. PowerPoint

  5. SMIL Format

Wrapping up the Workshop

    1. Visit
    2. Click the ENTER hyperlink to enter.
    3. Click the 1st Day Sign Up hyperlink in the lower left corner.
    4. Choose the Penn State Berks campus in the combo box.
    5. Choose the "I have signed up once before." option button (assuming that you have logged into the webpro web site before.)
    6. Click the Continue hyperlink.
    7. Choose the "IST6773: Sec. ?- Foundations of Web Design - Minich" option button.
    8. Type the course password "addme_2" in the lower right corner.
    9. Click the Continue hyperlink.
    10. Enter your PSU Access Account username and password and click the Finish hyperlink.
    11. At this point, it may require you to sign in again to the web site.
    12. After you have logged in again, you will be able to click the "Course Evaluations" hyperlink along the left side of the page and see our course (Foundations of Web Design - Section ?) listed in the evaluations area. (Or, I think you can directly visit the page at after logging in to the site.)