// Ch. 10 Demo #7
// Wyo C++
// October 24, 2001 // Purpose - uses a couple of struct variables and a function
#include <iostream.h> struct Basket { int apples; int grapes; int candyBars; double totalPrice; char coupon; }; struct Prices { double applePrice; double grapePrice; double candyBarPrice; }; double computeTax(Basket myBasket); int main() { Basket customer1; Prices november; double savings = 0.0; november.applePrice = 0.60; november.grapePrice = 1.50; november.candyBarPrice = 0.85; cout << "What letter is on your coupon ('X' if no coupon): "; cin >> customer1.coupon; cout << "Enter number of apples: "; cin >> customer1.apples; cout << "Enter number of lbs of grapes: "; cin >> customer1.grapes; cout << "Enter number of candy bars: "; cin >> customer1.candyBars; customer1.totalPrice = customer1.apples * november.applePrice + customer1.grapes * november.grapePrice + customer1.candyBars * november.candyBarPrice; switch(customer1.coupon) { case 'A': savings = 1.00; break; case 'B': savings = 2.00; break; case 'C': savings = 3.00; break; default: savings = 0.00; break; } cout << "Your total cost is " << customer1.totalPrice - savings + computeTax(customer1) << endl; return 0; } double computeTax(Basket myBasket) { return 0.06 * myBasket.candyBars; }