// OOP.CPP // This object-oriented program shows the use of simple objects which // represent circles. #include "circle.h" // contains the Circle class #include int main() { circle Circle_One; // instanciate objects circle Circle_Two; // of type circle float User_Radius; double Area; cout << "\nWhat is the radius of the the first circle? "; cin >> User_Radius; Circle_One.SetRadius(User_Radius); // Send a message to Circle_One telling // it to set its radius to User_Radius cout << "\nWhat is the radius of the second circle? "; cin >> User_Radius; Circle_Two.SetRadius(User_Radius); // Send a message to Circle_Two telling // it to set its radius to User_Radius Area = Circle_One.Area(); // Send a message to Circle_One asking // for its area cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout << "\nThe area of the first circle is " << Area << ".\n"; Area = Circle_Two.Area(); // Send a message to Circle_Two asking // for its area cout << "\nThe area of the second circle is " << Area << ".\n"; cout.unsetf(ios::fixed); return(0); }