// Ch. 13 Demo Program #1
// Mr. Minich
// purpose - This program illustrates the AP String (aka apstring) class. 
//	     Note that our textbook calls the AP string class the oostring
//	     class (probably, for copyright reasons).

#include <iostream.h>
#include "H:\C++\ClassFiles\apstring.h"

// I've used the absolute directory path for the file apstring.h in our class
//    template folder. Note that you must surround the filename & path with 
//    double quotes.

int main()
	apstring firstName;			   // instantiates an apstring object named FirstName
	apstring lastName("Jingleheimerschmidt");  // instantiates & initializes LastName

	cout << lastName << endl;
	firstName = "John";		// the assignment operator can be used with
					//    AP strings unlike built-in C++ char arrays
	cout << firstName << endl;

	return 0;
}// end of main