Wyo C++ Ch15Proj2

Write a program that pits the user against the computer in a game of tic-tac-toe. Use characters in the ASCII table ( | , _, - , X, O, etc.) to neatly display the progress of the game. The program should display a message to the user when the game ends announcing the winner or a tie. Use the srand and rand functions from stdlib.h to generate each of the computer's moves or build "artificial intelligence" into the computer's algorithm for determining its next move. You must use a system("CLS") command from stdlib.h to clear the screen between each move.You must use one or more apmatrix objects. Also, the program should be sufficiently modularized and its algorithms must be as efficient as possible. Build as much input validation into the program as you can. That is, make sure that the user is prevented from taking a square that is already marked with an X or an O and make sure that the user enters valid moves.

Your program must follow the Coding Standards. Place a copy of Ch15Proj2.cpp in your Submit folder so that the instructor can execute your program within that folder. Be sure that any #include compiler directives have valid paths so that the instructor will not have linking errors.


You must hand in the hardcopy source code for this assignment so that the instructor can verify that the code is yours. Otherwise, you will only be receiving a run-time grade for this assignment.