Computer Science Using C++

Ch. 16 Programming Assignment

  1. Project 16-3 on p. 333 .

    You must submit the printout of the source file. Name the source file "Project_16_3.cpp" so that the instructor can locate in your network folder if necessary.

    You must submit the printout of the source file. Name the source file "Project_5_1.cpp" so that the instructor can locate in your network folder if necessary. Your program must follow the Wyo Area Comp Sci Documentation & Coding Standards.

  2. Textbook's Specifications for Project 16-3 on p. 333 :

    "Write a program that allows the user to enter a series of positive floating-point numbers. Store the numbers in a linked list. Allow the user to enter numbers until a negative number is entered. Do not include the negative number in the linked list. Next, traverse the list to total the numbers entered and count the number of nodes in the list. Use the count to average the numbers in the list. Report the total, number of nodes, and average to the screen".

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