Computer Science Using C++

Ch. 17 Programming Assignment

  1. Project 17-1 on p. 368.

    You must submit the printout of the source file. Name the source file "Project_17_1.cpp" so that the instructor can locate in your network folder if necessary.

    You will have to use the stack class (stack.h), the vector class (vector.h),  and the string class (oostring.h) for this project. You must input the user's string as an apstring object, not a built-in C++ string (i.e. character array). You do not have to look for the null terminator to know if you have reached the end of the inputted string. Rather, you can use some other method such as the apstring length function.

    You must submit the printout of the source file. Name the source file "Project_17_1.cpp" so that the instructor can locate in your network folder if necessary. Your program must follow the Wyo Area Comp Sci Documentation & Coding Standards.

  2. Textbook's Specifications for Project 17-1 on p. 368:

    "Write a program that uses the stack class to reverse a string. The program should use subscript notation to individually access each character of the string, pushing them onto a stack of characters. When the null terminator at the end of the string is reached, do not push it on the stack. Instead, begin to build a new string with the characters as they are popped off the stack. The result will be a reversed string."

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