// Mr. Minich
// Computer Science Using C++
// Ch. 6 Demo Program #3
// January 30, 2000 // Purpose - to illustrate the use of setprecision, setf, and setw
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h> int main() { double exact = 0.0; // the price of a car
cout << "Enter the price of the car: "; cin >> exact; cout << "Roughly, the car will cost $" << setprecision(2) << exact << "." << endl; // setprecision forces C++ to round or truncate future values to a certain number // of significant digits
// sometimes causing values to be printed in scientific notation
cout.setf(ios::fixed); // This causes all future cout's to print normal rather than in scientific notation. // Also, it causes the setprecision to apply to the number of digits // to the right of the decimal place rather than the number of digits // in the whole value. cout << "The price $" << exact << " probably looks better." << endl; cout << "More space is provided for the price here: $" << setw(10) << exact << endl; // setw allocates more space for a value to be printed return 0; }// end of main