// Ch. 8 Demo #5
// Computer Science Using C++
// Mr. Minich
// Purpose - to illustrate how to process an inputted string into single
//			separate characters and displaying two spaces between every
//			four characters (starting from the right.)

#include <iostream.h>
#include "M:\C++ Programming\AP classes\apstring.h"
#include <stdlib.h> 		// necessary for system("CLS") command

int main()
	apstring inputtedString;// user's inputted string
	int stringLength = 0;	// length of string
	int counter = 0;	// position within string
	int spacePosition = 0;	// adjusts for spacing

	cout << "Enter a string: ";
	cin >> inputtedString;

	stringLength = inputtedString.length();

	spacePosition = 4 - stringLength % 4 + 1;	// this works but maybe it could be more efficient

	// parentheses are not necessary since % is performed before - according to
	//		the order of operations

	while (counter < stringLength)
		cout << inputtedString[counter] << ' ';

		if (spacePosition % 4 == 0)
			cout << "  ";			// two spaces necessary here

		counter++;				// moving to the next letter of string

	// ************************ Demo #2 ********************************

	char anyChar;			// user presses any key to continue
	char userBit = '0';		// inputted bit
	apstring binaryNumber;		// concatenated string formed by inputted bits

	cout << "\n\nPress any non-white space character to continue to the next demonstration.\n";
	cin >> anyChar;

	system("CLS");			// clears the screen

	cout << "Demonstrating how to concatenate characters into a string on the fly....\n" << endl;

	while (userBit != '9')
		cout << "Enter a binary value, 0 or 1 (9 to quit): ";
		cin >> userBit;
		if (userBit != '9')
			binaryNumber += userBit;	// concatenating userBit to end of binaryNumber


	cout << "\nThe concatenated string is: " << binaryNumber << endl << endl;		

	return 0;
}// end of main