Wyo C++ Vocabulary Words

Chapter 1

  1. basic input/output system (BIOS)
  2. central processing unit (CPU)
  3. hard disk
  4. hardware
  5. microprocessor
  6. motherboard
  7. primary storage
  8. secondary storage
  9. random-access memory (RAM)
  10. read-only memory (ROM)
  11. registers
  12. volatile

Chapter 2

  1. algorithm
  2. American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
  3. bit
  4. byte
  5. binary number system
  6. hexadecimal number system
  7. graphical user interface (GUI)
  8. high-level language
  9. low-level language
  10. Assembly language
  11. machine language
  12. compiler
  13. interpreter
  14. linker
  15. source code
  16. object code
  17. executable file
  18. operating system
  19. pseudocode
  20. flowchart
  21. run-time error
  22. syntax error
  23. text editor

Chapter 3

  2. compiler directive
  3. header file
  4. function

Chapter 4

  1. variable
  2. constant
  3. data type
  4. exponential notation
  5. floating-point value
  6. integer value
  7. identifier
  8. to initialize a variable
  9. to declare a variable
  10. garbage value
  11. keyword
  12. unsigned
  13. Boolean variable

Chapter 5

  1. incrementing operator
  2. decrementing operator
  3. arithmetic operators
  4. assignment operator
  5. compound operators
  6. assignment statement
  7. expression
  8. modulus operator
  9. order of operations
  10. overflow
  11. underflow
  12. to truncate
  13. promotion
  14. typecasting
  15. typecasting operators

Chapter 6

  1. apstring object
  2. instantiate
  3. character literal
  4. string literal
  5. delimiter
  6. stream
  7. cin
  8. cout
  9. input operator (aka extraction operator)
  10. output operator (aka insertion operator)
  11. C++ character array
  12. null terminator
  13. standard input device
  14. standard output device
  15. escape sequence
  16. escape operator
  17. stream manipulators (e.g. setprecision)
  18. endl

Chapter 7

  1. selection structure
  2. one-way selection structure
  3. two-way selection structure
  4. if structure
  5. if/else structure
  6. if/else if structure
  7. control expression
  8. logical operators (aka Boolean operators)
  9. relational operators (aka comparison operators)
  10. nested if structures
  11. switch structure
  12. short-circuit evaluation
  13. logical truth table

Chapter 8

  1. iteration structure
  2. while loop
  3. do while loop
  4. for loop
  5. initializing expression
  6. control expression
  7. step expression
  8. iteration
  9. infinite loop (aka runaway loop)
  10. nested loops

Chapter 9   

  1. function
  2. formal parameter
  3. actual parameter (aka argument)
  4. bottom-up design
  5. top-down design
  6. reusability
  7. autonomy
  8. encapsulation
  9. global variable
  10. local variable
  11. variable scope
  12. library functions
  13. passing by reference
  14. passing by value
  15. function prototype

Chapter 10   

  1. struct
  2. member
  3. field
  4. record
  5. dot operator (aka member access operator)
  6. nested structure
  7. primitive data structure
  8. simple data structure
  9. enum

Chapter 11   

  1. sequential-access file
  2. random-access file
  3. file pointer
  4. opening a file
  5. closing a file
  6. reading from a file
  7. writing to a file
  8. appending to a file
  9. stream
  10. stream operation modes
  11. eof function
  12. fstream.h header file
  13. istream
  14. ostream
  15. getline apstring function
  16. c_str apstring function
  17. hard-coded

Chapter 12

  1. procedural programming paradigm
  2. object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm
  3. class
  4. object
  5. member variable (property)
  6. member function (method)
  7. modifier
  8. accessor
  9. member selection operator (aka member access operator, dot operator)
  10. scope resolution operator
  11. to instantiate an object
  12. default constructor
  13. initializer list
  14. copy constructor
  15. class interface
  16. header file
  17. class implementation
  18. client program
  19. encapsulation
  20. inheritance
  21. reusability
  22. base class (aka parent class or superclass)
  23. derived class (aka child class or subclass)
  24. has-a relationship
  25. is-a relationship

Chapter 13

  1. apstring class
  2. bounds-checking
  3. concatenation
  4. destructor
  5. overloaded operator
  6. overloaded function
  7. substring
  8. *this
  9. c_str
  10. getline
  11. free function

Chapter 14

  1. apvector class
  2. apvector object
  3. element
  4. resize apvector class member function
  5. length apvector class member function
  6. template class
  7. template function

Chapter 15   

  1. apmatrix class
  2. apmatrix object
  3. numrows member function
  4. numcols member function
  5. resize apmatrix class member function
  6. parallel arrays or vectors
  7. primitive data structures
  8. simple data structures

Chapter 16 (we will not be studying this chapter)

  1. allocate
  2. circularly-linked list
  3. deallocate
  4. doubly-linked list
  5. dynamic data structure
  6. free
  7. heap
  8. linked list
  9. node
  10. null pointer
  11. singly-linked list
  12. static data structure
  13. structure pointer operator
  14. traversing

Chapter 17  (we will not be studying this chapter)

  1. ancestors
  2. balance
  3. binary tree
  4. branches
  5. branch nodes
  6. children
  7. dequeue
  8. descendants
  9. enqueue
  10. first-in first-out (FIFO)
  11. key
  12. last-in last-out (LIFO)
  13. leaf nodes
  14. left child
  15. levels
  16. linear data structure
  17. node
  18. nonlinear data structure
  19. nonterminal nodes
  20. offspring
  21. parent
  22. pop
  23. push
  24. queue
  25. right child
  26. root
  27. siblings
  28. stack
  29. stack overflow
  30. subtree
  31. terminal nodes
  32. tree

Chapter 18   

  1. recursion
  2. recursive function
  3. stack
  4. stack overflow
  5. exit condition of a recursive function
  6. sequential search
  7. binary search
  8. key
  9. key field

Chapter 19   

  1. ascending order
  2. bubble sort
  3. descending order
  4. divide and conquer approach
  5. external sort
  6. incremental approach
  7. input size
  8. insertion sort
  9. key field
  10. key value
  11. merge sort
  12. partition
  13. quicksort
  14. selection sort
  15. Shell sort
  16. sorting