Wyo C++ Section Questions Template

You must follow these rules when submitting answers to the end-of-the-chapter True/False, etc. exercises.

1. Type your name on the first line.
2. Type the name of your class on the second line.
2. Type your class period on the third line.
3. Type the chapter number on the fourth line.
4. Number the answers along the left margin.
5. Use single-spacing.
6. Label each section with the section number and page number in bold.
7. Add a blank line between each section.
8. If the answers do not fit in one column, continue on a second page. Do not use a second column.
9. Answer the questions as completely as possible.

Follow this template:

John Doe
Period 5
Chapter 5

Section 5.1 - p. 76
1. The assignment operator is the equals symbol. It is used in assignment statements to assign a numerical value to a variable.
2. ????
3. ????
4. ????
5. ????

Section 5.2 - p. 80
1. ????
2. ????
3. ????
4. ????
5. ????

Section 5.3 - pp. 85, 86
1. ????
2. ????
3. ????
4. ????
5. ????