Wyo Data Structures

Do Exercise P7.4 on p. 325. Write a test class named Ch7Proj1 that allows the user to input radius and height values for a sphere, a cylinder, and a cone. The program should output the respective volumes and surface areas as prescribed by Exercise P7.3. In a /* ... */ style comment at the bottom of Ch7Proj1.java, explain whether this approach is more or less object-oriented than the approach used in Exercise P7.3.

Your program must follow the style standards set forth in Appendex A1 on p. 1063 except for being allowed use horizontal curly braces and using JavaDoc documentation. Include

// your name
// class period
// the name of the assignment

on separate lines at the top of the class file. Save all of the files associated with this assignment to a folder named Ch7Proj1 in the appropriate network folder.


You must hand in the following on separate pages stapled in this specified order:

    1. The source code for the test class.
    2. The remaining classes in alphabetical order