
Objective #1: Explain the rationale for the Case Study.

Objective #2: Execute projects in Eclipse that make use of the GridWorld code from College Board.

Objective #3: Be familiar with the core classes & utility classes of the Case Study and their implementations. That is, you must be able to trace all the code in these classes.

When working with or extending the Critter class, you are not allowed to override the act method. Also, you should only change a critter's state (i.e. modify its properties) in its processActors or makeMove methods. Furthermore, you should only change the state of other actors in the critter's processActors method. (These rules don't apply to bugs however.)

Objective #4: Be familiar with the black box & utility classes of the Case Study and their available methods and constants. That is you must know their API's.

The material below is not tested on the AP exam.

Objective #5: Explore further possibilities with GridWorld.