Objective #1: Understand the role of SQL in its use with relational database systems.

Objectives #2: Design a database and its tables with the appropriate fields and data types.

Objective #3: Explain the role of primary keys in a relational database.

Objective #4: Create a database that includes one or more tables using the SQL CREATE command.

Objective #5: Insert records into a table using the SQL INSERT command.

Objective #6: Select data using a SQL SELECT statement.

Objective #7: Sort & limit query results using a WHERE clause along with conditionals and the keywords AND and OR.

Objective #8: Update and delete data in a table using the SQL commands UPDATE, DELETE, & DROP TABLE.

Objective #9: Understand the principles of database normalization.

Objective #10: Explain how the role of relationships between tables in a database and perform joins.

Objective #11: Use and evaluate SQL functions.

Objective #12: Use the aggregate functions AVG, MIN, MAX and group data using the GROUP BY command.

Objective #13: Add a column to an existing table.