Independent Study Project

Produce a tutorial, one or more demo programs, and a screencast of the program's execution on one of the topics listed below. The file(s) can be web pages at your Google site, Word documents, a PowerPoint presentation, or other multimedia document(s).

The tutorial should fully explain the topic that your researched and program that you produced. This document(s) is something that Mr. Minich would post under "Lecture Notes" or distribute as a handout. See the instructor if you have trouble coming up with a demo program for your topic.

The demo program is the actual source code text that a student could review and copy and paste. Or it might be a graphic screen snapshot of a program. See the instructor if you have trouble coming up with a demo program for your topic.

The screencast must display the execution of your program and/or the steps necessary to create the program. This video should be professional. You must speak clearly in this video from a planned script without background noise. If you choose not to speak into the video, you should use captions or other prompts.

You must also honestly complete and submit a copy of the rubric that the instructor will be using below to grade this project. Honestly and impartially judge each aspect of your project with the purpose of making sure that it is complete and represents your best work. As part of the rubric, provide a self-reflection in which you explain difficulties, surprises, or other interesting parts of this experience.

Part of your grade for this project will be based on the instructor's assessment of your classroom productivity that includes your ability to independently learn and apply information from online class resources without help from others and without disturbing the work of others in class.

Do not type, speak, or use your whole name or other personal information in any part of this project. Only the outer folder name as explained below should included your whole name.

All files must be stored in a folder named JohnDoeFinchRobot (updated with your full name and category topic of course). The files within the folder should be named FinchRobotJohnDTutorial, FinchRobotJohnDScreencast, and FinchRobotJohnDDemo (updated with your first name and last initial and category topic). See the instructor if you have additional files to add or you think it is logical to use different filenames. To submit the files, the outer folder (JohnDoeFinchRobot) must be compressed (i.e. zipped) before uploading to a location the instructor will specify in class.

You must evaluate your own project by completing and submitting this rubric to the class inbox by the due date.

Optional - You can upload the files and resources to your Google web site and fully explain your work on this project there. It would be great if you can link to or upload your screencast there as well. See the instructor for help with this task. This will be helpful to have as part of an online portfolio when you apply to college.

Former Student Projects