Custom AppInventor App

Work with a partner using App Inventor to create a socially useful interactive app that uses has a professional, user-friendly interface. As you develop your project keep track of significant errors and challenges that you encountered and how you solved or debugged them.

You must follow school rules on using graphics and other media in your project.

First, design your app with "needfinding" and then develop it with "prototyping" as explained at

You must first submit a typed proposal for your app in paragraph form by an earlier due date. Be sure to describe the audience of intended users (music listeners, small kids, old people, etc.) Part of your grade on the project will be based on whether your final app roughly matches the proposal. The proposal must also contain a paragraph (or more) that explains how you anticipate on testing the app as you develop it and after you have finished it. Answer questions like the following. For example, if your program has logical parts will you be testing them separately and, if so, how? Who will be beta-testing your program? Will the beta-tester(s) be expected to contribute suggestions and feedback that is incorporated into the final version? The proposal must be stapled to an interface storyboard that illustrates the main screen(s) of your app. This can be drawn with pencil.

You may find and be able to download source code of AppInventor apps online. However, your final app must contain a significant amount of your own work. Do not completely copy or rebuild an app from another source. A rule of thumb is that 80% or more of your blocks should be written exclusively by yourself for this project. Part of your grade is based on originality and creativity. If you do use certain blocks or techniques from other sources, you must include citations and specific, accurate web page addresses in your comments. If not just for good academic honesty, you should do so to admit to the instructor that you did not come up with certain techniques on your own. Otherwise, he may have suspicions that more of your app was copied than it really was. If the instructor has any doubt or suspicion that project has been plagiarized, your grade will be affected and you could receive a zero for the project!

You must also honestly complete and submit a copy of the rubric that the instructor will be using below to grade this project. Honestly and impartially judge each aspect of your project with the purpose of making sure that it is complete and represents your best work. As part of the rubric, provide a self-reflection in which you explain difficulties, surprises, or other interesting parts of this experience.

You must create a screencast that displays the execution of your app. This video should be professional. You must speak clearly in this video from a planned script without background noise. If you choose not to speak into the video, you should use captions or other prompts.

Part of your grade for this project will be based on the instructor's assessment of your classroom productivity that includes your ability to independently learn and apply information from online class resources without help from others and without disturbing the work of others in class.

You must complete and submit this rubric to evaluate your own project.

Some examples of former students' projects (though they did not all necessarily earn an A):
AlanL Spartan Student Book                   apk - screencast,
AlexF  Flash Cards                                    apk,
AllenLPaulG Tanks - 2                              apk,
DylanT SMS Plus                                       apk,
GavinB Spartan Planner                          apk,
IanB Quadratic Formula Calculator       apk,
JamesC Stock Market                               apk - screencast,
MarkG Test of the Future                          apk - screencast,
ZachM The Daily Agenda  - 2                  apk

You must do the following:

  1. Upload the project to your Google site with a unique apk file name (e.g. AngrySpartans.apk). You must have a full explanation & description of your app on your Google site apps page. Also, upload the screen capture and video to your Google Site so that others (parents, college admissions reps, prospective employers, prospective customers who may want to download your app) can see and evaluate your app.
  2. Make a screencast video of the program's execution on the emulator (or a phone) named AppInventorCustomJohnDVideo.mp4
    If you are using the classroom tablet or an unrooted personal phone, you may have difficulty taking a video of your app's runtime since no one in our class has found an app or technique that will allow you to make a video screencast without first rooting your phone. Since I would never require you to root your phone, you may need to run your app in AppInventor's emulator in order to take a video screen capture using the or Quicktime.
  3. You must create a folder named CustomAppInventorProjectJohnDoe. Place the files and folders listed below into this main CustomAppInventorProjectJohnDoe folder. Then compress (i.e. zip) that main folder. Upload the single, compressed, zip file that should be named to
    • a screen capture of your program's runtime named in this format:   CustomAppInventorProjectJohnD.png
    • an AppInventor source project folder named CustomAppInventorProjectJohnDoe.aia
    • a screencast that displays the execution of your app named CustomAppInventorProjectJohnDoe.mp4
    • the apk file with a unique file name such as AngrySpartans.apk

You must hand in the following papers:

  1. Submit the copy of the rubric that you filled out to the classroom inbox.
  2. A colorful, eye-catching 8x10" (or larger) poster advertising your app that Mr. Minich can post in the school hallway. You must print to a color printer or use crayons, markers, etc. Here is an example of the poster that you must create.

    The poster must include a QR code for downloading the app from your Google site. The QR code will link someone directly to the .apk file and not your main Google site download page (although you may optionally include that additional QR code on your poster).