EditText Project

Create a project that allows the user to input data into one or more EditText objects. The app must compute and display something practical using the inputed data. Use one or more buttons or the auto-complete features of an EditText object to provide interactivity. Make sure that your package name is unique such as com.johndoe.edittextproject where your name replaces johndoe.

Choose an appropriate, functional, and aesthetically-pleasing layout. The app must be user-friendly. The XML and Java code should be efficient, documented, and easy-to-modify for future upgrades.

Part of your grade for this project will be based on the instructor's assessment of your classroom productivity that includes your ability to independently learn and apply information from online class resources without help from others and without disturbing the work of others in class.

You must hand in the following files to DropItTo.Me/CMinich

  1. You must use the File / Print menu command in Android Studio or Eclipse and your student laptop's PDF Writer printer icon to save a pdf file of the MainActivity and any other .java source code files with the name EditTextMainActivityJohnDoe.pdf ("EditText" prepended and your name appended to the name of the Activity file.)
  2. Make a screen capture of your program's runtime named in this format:   EditTextJohnD.png
  3. Your complete compressed (i.e. zipped) Android Studio or Eclipse project folder named EditTextJohnDoe.zip

You must do the following:

  1. Upload the project to your Google site with a unique apk file name (e.g. EditTextJohnD.apk) and a unique app_name defined in the strings.xml file. You must have a full explanation & description of your app on your Google site apps page.
  2. Call the instructor to your Android device (personal phone, emulator, class tablet, etc.) for a run-time grade.