
Build the MoleMash project explained in Dr. Wolber's Course In A Box at You may use any name for your project as long as it ends with your name (e.g. SpartanMashJohnDoe). Your project must make use of image sprites, timers, and procedures as well as other elements of App Inventor.

Customize the project by creating your own theme and graphics. Add features that distinguish your app and make it interesting, fun, and/or educational for high school and/or elementary school students. You must follow school rules on using graphics and other media in your project.

Your project must keep score and allow the user to reset the game without reopening the app. You must also incorporate a sound.

Part of your grade for this project will be based on the instructor's assessment of your classroom productivity that includes your ability to independently learn and apply information from online class resources without help from others and without disturbing the work of others in class.

You must hand in the following files to

  1. Source code file named SpartanMashJohnDoeSource.aia
  2. Screen capture of the emulator (or a real phone) during runtime named SpartanMashJohnDScreenCapture.png (recommended size: 180 x 230 pixels & less than 350 Kb)
  3. The apk file with a unique file name such as SpartanMashJohnD.apk
  4. (optional) Make a screencast video of the program's execution on the emulator (or a phone) named SpartanMashJohnDVideo.mp4
    If you are using a classroom tablet or an unrooted personal phone, you may have difficulty taking a video of your app's runtime since no one in our class (as of Sep 2015) has found an app or technique that will allow you to make a video screencast without first rooting your phone. Since I would never require you to root your phone, you may need to run your app in AppInventor's emulator at school or home in order to take a video screen capture using or Quicktime.

You must do the following:

  1. Upload the project to your Google site with a unique apk file name (e.g. SpartanMashJohnD.apk). It is optional (but recommended) to also upload the screen capture and optional video to your Google Site so that others (parents, college admissions reps, prospective employers, prospective customers who may want to download your app) can see and evaluate your app.

You must hand in the following papers:

  1. A colorful, eye-catching 8" x 11" (or larger) poster advertising your app that Mr. Minich can post in the school hallway. You must print to a color printer or use crayons, markers, etc.

    The poster must include a QR code for downloading the app from your Google site. The QR code will link someone directly to the .apk file and not your main Google site download page.

    Here is an example of the poster that you must create.