
Write an app that allows users to check the information found on the school website via an Android app.  Students are allowed to work with one other student in designing this app.  One student will be required to make a main menu that will be the central hub for the submenus.  These submenus should be : sports schedules, directions to sporting events, lunch menus, letter day(should be included in the main menu), and school closings.  This app should be user friendly with a similar appearance, if possible to the wyoarea web page.  This app will be updated frequently so ensure that it is programmer friendly.  You may use any layout that will be useful in each case.  The submenus will be first come, first serve.

Part of your grade for this project will be based on the instructor's assessment of your classroom productivity that includes your ability to independently learn and apply information from online class resources without help from others and without disturbing the work of others in class.


  • none

You must hand in the following on separate pages stapled in this specified order:

  1. The hardcopy source code for the Java class(es).
  2. The hardcopy XML (main & strings).
  3. Upload the project to your Google site with a unique apk file name and a unique app_name defined in the strings.xml file