Internet for Beginners
Instructor - Mr. Curt Minich

Your First Search

The most popular places on the Internet are probably the World Wide Web search engines. There are many to choose from including Yahoo, Infoseek, Excite, Lycos, Snap, and LookSmart.

Please click the button at the top of the Netscape browser window that is named "Search" or click HERE.

Next, click in the search query box that appears as an approximately 2 inch horizontal white area in the middle of the screen.

querybox.gif (1756 bytes)

query box

After you have clicked in the query box, type a word or multiple words that interest you and then press the "Enter" key on your keyboard or click the rectangular button that says "Search" beside the query box.

Congratulations, you have searched for information on the Internet. A search engine has probably returned thousands of links to Web pages with information on your topic.

You must click on the hyperlinks (blue, underlined phrases) that appear towards the bottom of the Web page that you now see.

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