Wyo C++ - Chapter 6 Resources

Chapter 6 Objectives

Chapter 6 Vocabulary

Ch. 6 Lecture Notes

apstring object vs character array chart

Ch. 6 Programming Assignments
Ch6Proj1 & Ch6Proj2

"On the Net" Topics (textbook Web site)

Ch. 6 Demo Program #1 - to illustrate the use of apstring variables, cin and cout streams, and input and output operators.

Ch. 6 Demo Program #2 - to illustrate a potential error with the use of apstring variables.

Ch. 6 Demo Program #3 - to illustrate the use of setprecision, setf, and setw

Ch. 6 Demo Program #4 - to illustrate how to efficiently obtain separate inputted words from one line of input

Ch. 6 Demo Program #5 - separating the digits of a 4-digit integer

Ch. 6 Worksheet #1 - working with apstrings

Ch. 6 Practice Test - answers

As a class, build several demonstration programs that ...

  • obtains an integer value from the user using a cin statement, even though this is a Ch. 6 topic
  • prompts the user to input an integer value and then obtains that integer value from the user via the keyboard, even though this is a Ch. 6 topic
  • uses apstring objects
  • uses char variables (review)
  • uses various escape sequences such as \n, \t, and \\ within string literals
  • uses manipulators such as setprecision and setw along with fixed and scientific notation
  • uses built-in C++ character arrays
  • uses the strcpy function with C++ character arrays
  • uses the cin.get & cin.ignore methods with built-in C++ arrays
  • uses getline with apstrings (if time even tho it is a Ch. 13 topic)